Memorial and Honorary Gifts

A Memorial and Honorary gift, is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Whether in memory of a loved one or honoring a valuable friend, a gift to Ely Chapman Education Foundation (ECEF) insures the money will be put to good use and will enhance the life of a child.

Legacy Fund

Most would like to leave a mark on the world and help the community.  What better way than to leave a legacy to the Ely Chapman Education Foundation which is changing the future of our nation through the lives of children.

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AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know.  Same Products, same prices, same service.  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the total of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Ely Chapman Education Foundation when you choose us as your preferred charitable organization.

Make ECEF a Part of your Annual Giving

Each year there are charities you choose to support and Ely Chapman Education Foundation would be honored to be remembered at that time.
The staff would be glad to answer any questions you may have. They would also love to tell you about ECEF and give you a tour of the building.
ECEF is confident that the more you know the more you will want to support the many opportunities ECEF offers.